The Dollhouse at Pooh Corner

My Photo
Location: Maadi, Cairo, Egypt


Here are some furnishings for Owls half.

I think I'm gunna paint the writing desk and sidetable brown. I don't know for sure yet, too bad they can be further stained.

I imagine Christopher Robin practices his handwriting at Owls house, thus the writing tablet and pencil.

It's absurd since Owls spelling is horific but nothing comapred to Pooh's. Perhaps it's where Owl practices his own handwriting too, lol.


Here are some upstairs windows for Owls house, I need a door for him that matches.

If anyone sees something a little rustic, let me know.


So I'm ready to lay the brick the floors. I've dry fit all the doors and realized I needed to raise them a bit to be level with the bricks. I'm super hesitant to do anything with the brick floor yet because this could be the part I screw up, but I asked my All Things Mini forum friends and I think they'll guide me as best they can.
So far all my lights work but I broke my bulb on the one wall sconce, don't ask me how, and I have to replace the whole light insert thingy. Luckily I already ordered two the other day. I still need 2 more for the fire places. I want replaceable bulbs everywhere is why, not the standard rice bulbs for the fireplace.
I never realized those sconces unscrewed.

I'm making it go right though.



One wall done!

So this room was going to be the kitchen, but it's now moved upstairs and this is more like a dining room.

I'm just waiting on some more lights and supplies.

This is going to have a real brick floor and it's going to look something like this room.

The upstairs will look like this.



Ooh new Pooh furnishings!

I accidentally lost the brass brads for the tape wire, so I had to order new ones.

But I got two new miniatures for the house in the last two weeks.

One is a painting of "Foxgloves" that kinda looks like the meadows of the 100 Aker Woods done by the fantastic Sandie Coe.

And the other is a superb quilt by Beverly Quilts, the pattern is Broken Dishes.

I think the sheep in the painting can be refered to as a Herbacious Backson, I found a great reference at Topher's Castle, Christopher Robins Winnie-the-Pooh Character Guide:

What's a "Backson" Like?
Answer #11:
Spotted or Herbaceous?
(Book Joke)
The Backson was thought to be a fierce animal living in the Woods.
In reality, it is Christopher Robin's shorthand for "Back Soon".

The quilt pattern broken dishes is quite appropriate since my ex who lovingly nicknamed me Piglet still has some broken dishes coming. lol *personal stuff*



Finally, Brushes For Pooh!

These little babies were a gift from a friend who I did a transparent window print for. I adore their rustic look and I'm finding the more and more objects like this the more it comes to life. I was talking to my mother earlier and she said "oh no" to this hutch I found on New England Miniatures, and I said, for Owls, and she said he was more rustic. I agree.

And I love all things organic.

I actually do natural dish soap, detergent, shampoo, tampons, and I buy organic when I can going on 9 years. I don't watch TV anymore, going on over 2 years now. I rent movies of course, but TV is too emotionless for me.

I even refuse to take pills or medication from big pharma, the evil drug pushers. Besides I know all the real solutions, cleaning with rubbing alcohol and lemon juice, you know, find those germs. It kills em fast and good and is an ultra safe cleaner. When sick I take 1000 mg of vitamin c every hour on the hour, along with some vitamin e, b complex, and iron. That will do it every time.

If I sleep uneasy or have a nightmare I take b1. It's always a b1 deficiency, even in children.

And the holy grail of it all, good for bones, sleeping, headaches, anything and everything or just to feel superb, Calcium Magnesium CalMag-C.



Sofia Coppola's Marie Antoinette Color Palate

Isn't this movie devine?
I'm trying to follow a color palate for each room. So far the kitchen is the best.
**See my kitchen items pictures in the past posts.



2nd Story Layout Ideas


Possible upstairs wallpaper ideas.



The 2nd Story

Well I was so utterly undecided but today on this wonderful rainy day I decided to mock the whole thing up and see what it would look like. L Ron Hubbard gives this basic definition of art he says, ART is a word which summarizes THE QUALITY OF COMMUNICATION.
I think this raises the quality of communication and since I asked Mom, whom I was going to agree with no matter what, she suggested I do the upstairs and so I will.
So Hooray! Now I know :D
Now the question is, how will I do a wall over that arch? Will I have to cut a triangle into the wood to fit over it? Or should I do a wall next to it? I'm thinking wall next to it so I can lay the roof piece over the two arches and then do my shingles.

What do you think?



Help! This room is too crowded!

This is not to show how its going to be set up so much as how crowded it is.
I was hoping to have a kitchen which is a mix between these two pictures.

Should I throw caution to the wind and do a 2nd story? mom was talking about a space for owl and although it makes no sense, it would be playful and I could do a downstairs kitchen and an upstairs eating room.

See that lantern there? I've seen those around. This could be the downstairs.

This 2nd picture could be the upstairs and thus explain the vaulted ceiling.

How do I incorporate that 1st picture into this room?

It would be the same room. Has anyone seen wallpaper like that with the yellow stripes?

Here's a drawing of WOL's howse ;)
*Owl is supposed to be the wisest in the 100 Acre Wood and his favourite food is the afternoon tea. His intelligence is often called upon to aid a certain bear of very little brain. He speaks eloquently and although he can spell "TUESDAY," he spells his own name "WOL." The reason behind Owl spelling his name as WOL is that Wol happens to be a Sussex & Kentish word for Owl. It also means that Milne's characters were quite British. Just Pooh

Let me know what you think.



My Piglet Doll

Eventually I'd like a jointed Piglet doll done in this fashion.
I just adore needle felted and maybe I can have this done in a few months.
It would be so fun to do all the characters, wouldn't it?



Classic Winnie the Pooh Doll

This doll was a commission by Jennifer LeMasurier.



Kitchen Stuffs

The kitchen is my favorite part. I have a red fireplace somewhere around but I can't find it. I'd rather make my own from those little bricks. Maybe I will.

Kitchen floor wood.


Bedroom Stuffs

Not sure the big dresser will fit in, but I'm pretty sure it will.


Garden Stuffs

How do those flower beds fit in? Do I need planters or long narrow garden beds??


The Hall Entry Stuffs

I don't like how these sunlighted photos look, but I'm too lazy to take the pictures again, lol.


Sittingroom Stuffs

This is the sitting room so far. The blue is a little lighter than I thought when I bought it. That's Piglets chair, I'm still looking for the right wing back chair for Pooh Bear. I guess I indulged a little here on what I liked flooring wise.

I'm not particularly set on any room but the kitchen dining and entry room. If anyone sees any wallpapers they like or has any ideas, let me know.

I think this is the wing back I'm going to get.


Bathroom Stuffs

These are the bathroom items so far. I'm doing it quite plainly. I have to find out out how to get a whitewash wall look. It was a last minute decision to do a bathroom, I haven't put a lot of thought into yet... I'm open to any ideas anyone has. I know I'd like a wider claw foot bath. I can't find one, just this mold. For the record I actually thought about buying it and paying the fee for using the ceramics studio near here. LOL


Ah, now I get it Mom.

I decided to show Mom what was remaining on her dollhouse, and then it occurred to me to show her it lit up. Oh she was so pleased to see it like that. It's so romantic, this dollhouse lit.

The bedroom is just going to have a standing lamp.
Like I'm going to cover all the rough edges of wood and finish all the outer decorative trim.
She has more furnishings, I'll photograph it finished.
I think that door needs to be painted mahogany or dark brown.
A few touch ups and I'll have a done, lol.



I'm on the lookout!

If you guys see any horse brushes, let me know!


Oh for joy!!!

Look what I found!!!!!!!!

I have looked and looked for pots like this.

A Miniature Marvel

Wow, I'm so happy.



Well I've got quite a lot done on this kit, it's my first dollhouse for my mom.



This is how I'm doing the kitchen, I'm going to put the fireplace on the wall next to the chair. Not behind it but on the left wall. I found the flooring, siding, and paint color.
I've ordered the last of my building supplies, thank god. I'm still working on my mom's dollhouse right now, I want to get it done and learn from my mistakes before I do anything with Pooh's house. I've made so many already and I rush through everything, god you'd think I was a factory worker on an assembly line, no patience at all. I'm not going to koch Pooh's house up for the same reason. I'm not worried though. I'll post some pictures of the kit I'm putting together for Mama later .... possibly Sunday.
