Since for one half of this upstairs room I have no illustration reference I'm kinda doing it my way with the stove, sink and shelves. I'm also going to hang copper molds on the wood wall which is ideal since the pins can be placed in the gaps between the boards without leaving a significant mark.
Also with the English foods above, I heard mention that Winnie the Pooh's house was very British, I'm not sure if I've captured that but I do know I wanted some British foods anyhow.
This incredible collection of auctions went up on eBay and I got all 5 things from the same seller.
Cornish Pasties, Scone and Butter, Custard Tart, Jam Sponge Cake and a unique bun baking tray by Warwick miniatures. I love them all!! And they all ended for about $2.50 each.
Though I love nothing as well as my Debs buttered toast and Ara's chair and hunny hutch for me. Those are true love ;)
Labels: Accessories